Create your own 3D video
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I read the below YouTube help in how to create a 3D video.
'Time sync' options:
This may be interesting for people want to create their own 3D videos.
I will try these steps very soon, so good luck for you and tell me your experience.
The process of creating 3D videos without a 3D camera usually involves sophisticated editing software and a lot of manual work. Our new 3D video creator tool makes combining two side-by-side videos into a new 3D video a simple and often fully automatic process.
Step 1: Place two video cameras side by side against each other, and record your videos.
Step 2: Upload both videos to YouTube.
Step 3: Go to
Step 4: Select the 'left' and 'right' videos.
Step 5: Choose the time synchronization and vertical alignment options.
Step 2: Upload both videos to YouTube.
Step 3: Go to
Step 4: Select the 'left' and 'right' videos.
Step 5: Choose the time synchronization and vertical alignment options.
Here are a few tips for getting the best results with this tool:
- Use the same kind of camera for both videos.
- If possible, attach the cameras together.
- Avoid moving cameras relative to each other. They should always point in the same direction and be vertically level.
- Try to keep both cameras as stable as possible. Avoid jerks.
- Do not film objects that are too close.
'Time sync' options:
The difference in time between the two videos is calculated automatically using the audio track. For correct syncing, make sure the timeshift is less than 10 seconds. If the automatically-calculated timeshift is over 10 seconds, you can choose to manually specify a timeshift in milliseconds.
'Vertical alignment' options:
When filming with both cameras attached together (recommended), there is usually a very slight vertical shift between the two images. This can be corrected by manually specifying a vertical shift as a percentage of the video height.
If the cameras are not attached together, the vertical shift tends to vary. In this case, select Automatic vertical alignment. This will try to adjust both images vertically. For best results, don’t film close-up objects, and make sure the images have enough distinct elements in the scene.
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