Digital Transformation Journey - INTRODUCTION
- Digital Transformation will increase organizational agility
- Business silos integration and the boundaryless information flow between
- Organizations will continually increase their dependency on digital solutions
- During their own digital transformation journey security risks will rise
- Digital assets “Data” will be exposed to cybercriminals
- Organizations are now seeking for automating their own processes
- Make them intelligent processes through the Robotic Process Automation “RPA”
- Put digital KPIs on their employees to measure their contribution in the Digital Transformation Journey
- For instance, organizations may need to measure the percentage of automated processes vs. manual processes
- This digitalization approach will increase the organization dependency on digital solutions
- Which will help them to achieve their business outcomes and release the automation benefits
- It will also extend Organizations’ IT environments on the cloud and the use of IoT devices and other emerging technologies that will expand their reliance on third parties and vendors
- This extension of the organizational environments will require them to share data and access to organizations’ networks beyond their traditional perimeter
- Organizations started their own transformation journey in the current digital age are under the pressure of dealing with cybersecurity risks to protect their data to increase the sustainability and save their reputation
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