Grade your E-CRM Culture

Customer Culture
1-      Do all of your company staff understand your brand values and customer service goals?

2-     Do you write brand values and customer service goals into job specs?

3-     Do you reward staff based on achieving brand values and customer service goals?

4-     Do your executive directors meet customers regularly and is customer satisfaction discussed at board level?

5-     Do your managers present ‘ learnings ’ from the marketplace (particular customer learnings) annually?

6-     Are you riding the right trends?

7-     Does your web site facilitate different visitors who are at different stages, i.e. who want to (a) Learn More (b) Try a Sample/Trial (c) Buy Now.

8-     Does your web site facilitate different visitors that prefer information in different modes (a) PDF (b) Video (c) Link to More Pages (d) Telephone.

9-     Does your web site facilitate different buyers ’ preferred mode of buying including (a) Telephone (call back facility) (b) e-mail (c) Direct order.

Contact Strategy

10-  Do all incoming e-mails receive either a same day response or at least an autoresponse? Do you set expectations for response time and then deliver on them?

11-   Do you treat new subscribers to your e-newsletter differently? Do you use a welcome strategy?

12-  Do you practice ‘ Right Channelling ’ – upweighting e-mail communications for customers who prefer receiving e-mail web communications and who prefer web services?

13-  Do you have a refined e-contact strategy with defined touchpoints reflecting position in customer lifecycle, e.g. survey five days after first purchase, one year after subscribing, etc.

14-  Do you promote and assess advocacy (e.g. forward to a friend e-mails, members get member promotions).

15-  Do you acknowledge all customer complaints and have a process for following up?

16-  Do you acknowledge all customer suggestions and have a process for following up?

Satisfaction Improvement – analysis and testing

17-  Do you use usability testing on your web site? If a retailer, do you use online mystery shoppers? Have you surveyed customers experience on the web and e-mail programmes recently?

18-   Do you review customer profiles, motivations and buying process regularly?

19-  Do you analyze, and act on, reasons for customer defections (including identifying the customer signals indicating imminent defection)?

20- Has your customer satisfaction scoring criteria changed in the last three years?

Grade your E-CRM Culture:

Treat ‘ Don ’t Know ’ as a ‘ No ’ . Then count your ‘ Yes ’ s ’

0–13 you are not really building true CRM into your business.

14–17 you are becoming a CRM driven business with some room for improvement.

18–20 you are an excellent ‘ marketing driven business ’ .


            eMarketing eXcellence 3rd 2008

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