Tweet Web logs or ‘ blogs ’ are best known as an easy method of publishing personal web pages which are online journals or diaries. But the power of business blogs, which are created by people within an organization, is often underestimated. Business blogs can be created by individuals, but they are often best with features from different columnists on different types of topics. This way, different columnists can specialize on different features or viewpoints just as for a magazine. If you think this way, they are a means of making an e-newsletter more interactive and more topical. Blogging software is incredibly good value, with many free tools. The following options can be considered when setup your blog: 1- Moderation : Either open or closed to comments, with or without a moderator. Star rating of posts is a good option. 2- Frequency : Five to twenty posts per month would be typical for a company s...
This is just terrible.