Tweet Google+ is designed to rival Facebook, features enhanced sharing and geo-tagging options Google has launched a social networking website called Google+, designed to rival Facebook. Google has launched a new social networking site, Google+, for field trials. The site is designed to rival Facebook, which has now gathered over 500m users. "We'd like to bring the nuance and richness of real-life sharing to software. We want to make Google better by including you, your relationships, and your interests. And so begins the Google+ project," said Vic Gundotra, Senior Vice President, Engineering in a post on the official Google Blog. The new social networking site features +Circles, designed to allow users to share what they want with specific groups of people or social circles, instead of sharing with all friends. "From close family to foodies, we found that people already use real-life circles to express themselves, and to share with precisely the ri...