
Showing posts from July, 2011

أنواع الذكاء

Tweet يعرف "الذكاء"، بأنه القدرة على التفكير والاستنتاج المنطقى والألمعية، والقدرة على تخزين المعلومات، والتوصل اليها والقدرة على مواجهة الصعاب، ومن ثم حل المشاكل التى تعترض طريق الفرد، مما تقدم نفهم أن الناس تعودوا أن يربطوا الذكاء، بالنشاط العقلى. وقد انتشرت فكرة قياس الذكاء على أساس قياس قوة هذا النشاط. ويعتبر الـ"آى. كيو" عندهم، هو نسبة ذكاء الفرد إلى متوسط الذكاء فى المجتمع. أما بالنسبة للأطفال فيأخذون بالحسبان العمر الزمنى للطفل، مقارنة بعمره العقلى. هو ما يعرف بالذكاء الأكاديمى، يعتبر أن معدل ذكاء الفرد فى المجتمع هو 100، وأن كل من يملك ذكاء فوق الـ 100 يعتبر ذكيا. وآلية قياس الذكاء تعتمد على ثلاثة محاور أساسية هى القدرة على الحساب، المنطق والبراعة اللفظية. وقد لاحظ بعض العلماء أن التقييم بهذه الطريقة قاصر لأن هناك أنواعا من القدرات والمواهب الفردية لا تستطيع هذه القياسات قياسها وتلك هى حالة الابنه السائلة أو الشاكية بمعنى أدق، مما دعا عالم النفس هاوارد جاردنر، سنة 1987 إلى الكشف عن وجود سبعة أنواع من الذكاء بخلاف الذكاء الأكاديمى وعرّف ا...


Tweet Trigger event 1: Customer first registers on site (but does not buy) Ø   Auto-response (AR) 1: Two days after registration e-mail sent offering phone assistance and a discount for the first purchase to encourage trial. Trigger event 2: Customer first purchases online Ø   AR1: Immediate order confirmation Ø   AR2: Five days after purchase e-mail sent with link to online customer satisfaction survey asking about quality of service from driver and picker (e.g. item quality and substitutions). Ø   AR3: Two weeks after first purchase – Direct mail offering tips on how to use service and a discount on the next purchases intended to encourage reuse of online services. Ø   AR4: Generic monthly e-newsletter with online exclusive offers. Ø   AR5: Bi-weekly alert with personalized offers for customer. Ø   AR6: After two months – £5 discount for next shop Ø   AR7: Quarterly mailing of coupons Trigger event 3: Customer does ...

Grade your E-CRM Culture

Tweet Customer Culture 1-       Do all of your company staff understand your brand values and customer service goals? 2-      Do you write brand values and customer service goals into job specs? 3-      Do you reward staff based on achieving brand values and customer service goals? 4-      Do your executive directors meet customers regularly and is customer satisfaction discussed at board level? 5-      Do your managers present ‘ learnings ’ from the marketplace (particular customer learnings) annually? 6-      Are you riding the right trends? 7-      Does your web site facilitate different visitors who are at different stages, i.e. who want to (a) Learn More (b) Try a Sample/Trial (c) Buy Now. 8-      Does your web site facilitate different visitors that prefer information in different modes (a) P...

Google Chrome takes 20 percent of browser market

Tweet While most other browsers have lost their market share or remained static, Chrome has forged ahead to claim more users than ever before. Google Chrome, the search engine giant's web browser, has grown exponentially to claim 20 percent of the web browser market, from a meek three percent two years ago. According to figures from StatCounter, the browser has been adopted and is being used as a primary browser by more users today, than in the past. These statistics are measured by actual usage and not just download figures for each browser. Use of Microsoft's Internet Explorer has dropped from 53 percent to 44 percent between June 2010 and June 2011. Mozilla's Firefox too saw a decline ending up with losing three percent market share in the last year, bringing the browser's usage down to 28 percent from 31 percent. Other popular browsers include Safari and Opera, both of which have maintained their market share at five percent and one percent respective...