
Showing posts from April, 2011

FW: iPhone 4 now available in white

Tweet I got this announcement from Apple, iPhone 4 now available in white Just click here to buy it. Shop Online     |     Find a Store     |     1-800-MY-APPLE Buy Online Order from the Apple Online Store, and we'll ship it free, directly to your door. Buy at the Apple Retail Store Visit your favorite Apple Retail Store, and we'll set it up just the way you like. TM and copyright © 2011 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS 96-DM, Cupertino, CA 95014. All Rights Reserved / Keep Informed / Privacy Policy / My Apple ID If you prefer not to receive commercial email from Apple, or if you've changed your email address, please click here . Tweet

FW: Microsoft Support :- Disabling Windows Daylight Saving Time.

Tweet Since we are here in Egypt Cancelled the Daylight Saving Time, Microsoft sent the below email to explain how to disable windows Daylight Saving Time in Windows XP and Windows 7. Microsoft is on board with the Egypt government's decree to cancel the law regarding daylight savings time. And now we want to make sure that your PC is in line with universal time across Egypt. Please follow the below instructions to deactivate the daylight savings time mode on PCs that run on Windows® 7 and Windows® XP. If you have any queries, please get in touch with us. Click on the Date/Time area at the bottom right to open date/time settings Click on Change date and time settings Click Change Time Zone Choose Cairo from the Time zone drop down menu and ensure that ' Automatically adjust clock for Daylight Saving Time ' is unchecked Press OK to apply the new changes Double click on the Date/Time area at the bottom right to open dat...

Blog Posting Ideas

Tweet I found the below 101 ideas on And I found it may help you in your blog, I Copied it for you. 101 Great Posting Ideas That Will Make Your Blog Sizzle by Philip on March 16, 2007 Great posts are hard to do consistently on a day-to-day basis. Probloggers really have to work at it. I thought about all the different ways and angles a blogger can approach choosing posting topics. Here are 101 different ideas that I think are great to stimulate your mind and jumpstart your blogging. Brainstorm by matching up your readers wants and needs using the Visitor Grid method of brainstorming . Write a post by examining the pros and cons of an issue. Write a tutorial. Do an interview with key people in your niche. Create a mock head-to-head competition like what Daniel did. Do a case study like what Read/Write Web did with the hot topics on Technorati 100 . Take an alternate position ....

What is the differences introduced by digital world for the Marketing mix (7Ps)?

Tweet Marketing Mix: It is the 7Ps touches every part in the organization. ● Product ● Price ● Place ● Promotion ● People ● Physical evidence ● Processes Digital world values for every element: 1- Product             Create new versions, variations and even new products and services. Exploit your distinctive competitive advantage by having a strong and clear Online Value Proposition (OVP). 2- Price Pricing structures and options become more complex. It is crucial to get the pricing right in the short, medium and long terms. Online tools like reverse auctions, customer unions, commoditization, cybermediaries, intermediaries, infomediaries and shopping bots will make you capable to review the new price structure in your market driven by customers who looking for lower prices. 3- Place Increase your representation and make you widely available. 4- Promotion It is more dynamic, carefully targeted, highly relevant and helps ...

Apple TV Smart To Launch Soon According to Rumors

Tweet When it comes to the Apple TV, It is one of the most wanted things for HD viewing and movie surfing.There has been rumors saying the Apple TV smart will soon be released soon. Apple according to AppleInsider, suggests that Apple TV could be launch by the end of the year. This new change from the Apple TV is called as Smart. Analysts says that this new device is not a second generation Apple TV. Bryant white, said to his fans that ” The powerful combination of the Apple ecosystem, the smart industrial design, the powerful brand product categories and the ability to reinvent the Cupertino company could make a powerful player in the production of television . “These are the words of ‘ analyst added that ” Apple is developing this project much more quickly than anyone could think up some time ago ” This is not the first time that we have seen and heard about this Apple TV smart rumor, but was predicted to be launching soon. The estimated price for the Apple TV smart would...